суббота, 2 октября 2010 г.

I have listened to the podcast called "How to live before we die". That was really very interesting. That is devoted  to the problems of our choices, our lifes and, of course, it was the story of success.

Here is the reference http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/steve_jobs_how_to_live_before_you_die.html.

When I had listened it the first time I understood practically everything (near 90%), but there were some difficult words about health and diseases,which I heard first. The speaker (That was well known man for everyone-Steve Jobs. He is the chief executive officer of "Apple") told correct, so it was not very difficult to understand him.

His speech consists of 3 parts.Firstly he told about his birth, then about choice and success and then about diseases and the strong will.

He dropped out his University, because he could not pay, so that step was pretty scary for him at that time, he did not know what to do.He decided to take a calligraphy class. He wanted to know everything about it. Ten years later when he had designed the first Macintosh computer, his experience became useful. Mac was the first computer with beautiful typography.

He said:"you have to trust in something: karma, destiny, whatever." I thing that only our faith helps us to choose the right way, the right decision. He could never create the Mac, but he did.

Later Steve Jobs had a cancer, but he coped with his strong faith.

I like that speech, it is very useful for everyone of us, it helps in realizing our lifes.
Thanks for attention

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