пятница, 15 октября 2010 г.

How to srart a movement

I have listened to the podcast called: “How to start a movement”. This podcast is dedicated to the “movement problems”. Here is the link:

The author has very interesting manner of his speech. He uses metaphor. There are a lot of people on the beach, 2 or 3 guys are dancing,  5 minutes later there are 6 guys, then 10,20 and so on. The author says that we should not be scared of looking silly, because we have to try, and then we will have followers. He says that it is difficult to be leader and to found a leadership in every kind of our activity, but we have to do that, our business will have a lot of followers if we try.

Although the podcast is not long, that’s very interesting, and the problem is very actual. Sometimes people have money, time, recourses to start from the scratch but they are afraid that they will not have followers and nobody will be interested in their product. That’s the big mistake.
As for me I think that sometimes we should be silly at starting doing something, because later we will have a great success.

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