воскресенье, 26 декабря 2010 г.


Good morning, dear colleagues!


Unfortunately, there are still many cases of sexism in the world. Let’s consider  the best 250 world companies, it’s hardly to understand, but only 7% of the representation of the board are women. Banker Devis says that if in companies worked more women, business could become better and more productive. He notices that more women on the board could introduce the better reflection of the society and get better performance. 'If you need the right level of discussion, engagement, and professionalism on the board you need more women’.

The second speaker is Joe Dickson. She was on the board of Premiership football club. She says that not many women are applying to go on boards and they are making perfectly logical choices to stay in middle management, because they have a better life there. According her speech, companies should think of more flexible timetable, so that it must not require 24/7 job.

The annual corruption barometer from International Transparency polls the views of ordinary citizens. The vast majority of the almost 100000 respondents said they believed corruption in their country was getting worse. The transport logistics expert Gari Bosh which worked in Africa and in Russia, says that the greatest problem of corruption is that bribes take those people who work in the government. He is sure that if people want to struggle with corruption, they should change the government.


Cycling helped poor people travel cheaply. According to statistics, people with 2 cars are more likely to be regular cyclist that those with 1 or none. Historically you rode bicycle if you were poor. But it is just not the case anymore. For many people a branded bike makes a healthy fashionable statement about their affluent lifestyle. In Germany practically everyone has bicycle, that’s pretty good for their health.

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