воскресенье, 26 декабря 2010 г.

Good noon, ladies and gentlemen! How wonderful that I can show you my ideas about riveting talks by remarkable people free to the world. To begin with I should inform you about the motto of the site: «Ideas worth spreading». This is true, because if you want to be not only a substitute detail of the world, you will be aware about most of the new trends in it. I was interested in that topic: http://www.ted.com/talks/cynthia_schneider_the_surpr....
I think that you wouldn’t mind my showing the feedback. I strongly believe that public opinion is an opinion of mass-media, which people believe in. And this video will be useful for everybody who wants to see the world (especially politics, economics and art) without fiction and mystery. Firstly, you have to know some facts about the speaker. Her name is Cynthia Schneider. She studies culture and politics - watching how novels, TV shows and cultural engagement around the globe (and especially within the Muslim world) might lead to political change.
During the listening to the record I can easily realize everything in the speaker’s speech, so my understanding of the topic is beyond the 95%. Of course, when I listened to it at first time, there were some complexities with comprehension of some thoughts, but after the second listening I got it. Thanks to our English!
I don’t want to tell you too much about the content of the video, because it is worth seeing, but I am going to share with you some points of view. How wonderful that some Muslim countries begin to integrate into the fast-moving European world. I can’t see something destructive that these countries (with a real weak economy) start to plan their lives like Americans do. I think, that it is a good practice to involve Muslim’s world into the democracy processes even in TV. And people of these countries begin to conduct more polite, more respecting and ethical.
I'd like to provide some context for the comment about "Afhgans learning to lose gracefully". Over the course of the first four seasons of the AFGHAN IDOL program, the behavior of the contestants changed. In the first couple of seasons, those who lost did not always take it well, and sometimes reacted strongly, even violently. This behavior has changed over time as contestants and their fans got used to the ups and downs of winning in losing. In recent Afghan history (Russian occupation and Taliban) there have not been many opportunities to experience winning and losing in what otherwise might be normal activities of sports and talent contests. So, it is not surprising that reactions to winning and losing in the public arena of Afghan Star have evolved over time.
Afterwards I want to tell you that this practice will be useful for every country wanting to be rich and powerful, with strong laws and confident people.
Thank you for your attention!


Good morning, dear colleagues!


Unfortunately, there are still many cases of sexism in the world. Let’s consider  the best 250 world companies, it’s hardly to understand, but only 7% of the representation of the board are women. Banker Devis says that if in companies worked more women, business could become better and more productive. He notices that more women on the board could introduce the better reflection of the society and get better performance. 'If you need the right level of discussion, engagement, and professionalism on the board you need more women’.

The second speaker is Joe Dickson. She was on the board of Premiership football club. She says that not many women are applying to go on boards and they are making perfectly logical choices to stay in middle management, because they have a better life there. According her speech, companies should think of more flexible timetable, so that it must not require 24/7 job.

The annual corruption barometer from International Transparency polls the views of ordinary citizens. The vast majority of the almost 100000 respondents said they believed corruption in their country was getting worse. The transport logistics expert Gari Bosh which worked in Africa and in Russia, says that the greatest problem of corruption is that bribes take those people who work in the government. He is sure that if people want to struggle with corruption, they should change the government.


Cycling helped poor people travel cheaply. According to statistics, people with 2 cars are more likely to be regular cyclist that those with 1 or none. Historically you rode bicycle if you were poor. But it is just not the case anymore. For many people a branded bike makes a healthy fashionable statement about their affluent lifestyle. In Germany practically everyone has bicycle, that’s pretty good for their health.

пятница, 15 октября 2010 г.

How to srart a movement

I have listened to the podcast called: “How to start a movement”. This podcast is dedicated to the “movement problems”. Here is the link:

The author has very interesting manner of his speech. He uses metaphor. There are a lot of people on the beach, 2 or 3 guys are dancing,  5 minutes later there are 6 guys, then 10,20 and so on. The author says that we should not be scared of looking silly, because we have to try, and then we will have followers. He says that it is difficult to be leader and to found a leadership in every kind of our activity, but we have to do that, our business will have a lot of followers if we try.

Although the podcast is not long, that’s very interesting, and the problem is very actual. Sometimes people have money, time, recourses to start from the scratch but they are afraid that they will not have followers and nobody will be interested in their product. That’s the big mistake.
As for me I think that sometimes we should be silly at starting doing something, because later we will have a great success.

суббота, 2 октября 2010 г.

I have listened to the podcast called "How to live before we die". That was really very interesting. That is devoted  to the problems of our choices, our lifes and, of course, it was the story of success.

Here is the reference http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/steve_jobs_how_to_live_before_you_die.html.

When I had listened it the first time I understood practically everything (near 90%), but there were some difficult words about health and diseases,which I heard first. The speaker (That was well known man for everyone-Steve Jobs. He is the chief executive officer of "Apple") told correct, so it was not very difficult to understand him.

His speech consists of 3 parts.Firstly he told about his birth, then about choice and success and then about diseases and the strong will.

He dropped out his University, because he could not pay, so that step was pretty scary for him at that time, he did not know what to do.He decided to take a calligraphy class. He wanted to know everything about it. Ten years later when he had designed the first Macintosh computer, his experience became useful. Mac was the first computer with beautiful typography.

He said:"you have to trust in something: karma, destiny, whatever." I thing that only our faith helps us to choose the right way, the right decision. He could never create the Mac, but he did.

Later Steve Jobs had a cancer, but he coped with his strong faith.

I like that speech, it is very useful for everyone of us, it helps in realizing our lifes.
Thanks for attention